xyce are two guys:

xylo (Tom Offringa) & cerror (Roel Heerspink)

2 guys from Groningen, the Netherlands that make music on old computers like the commodore 64, amiga 500/1200, gameboy, sega genesis and dos pc’

After we met on a website around 2005, making chiptune was more or less an internet thing for us. Because of the tiny format it’s easy to share files and projects, so cooperating on songs without physically being together is easy. Ha-ha, all you modern DAW users must envy me now, right ;-).

When Roel (cerror) eventually moved to Groningen, making music together without having to sit behind our own screens became easier. This led to us making shitloads of modules and eventually a first coop-album (un peu de douceur). Around that time I visited a couple of chiptune parties in Delft and Utrecht and got to know Frans Twisk (EINDBAAS). A few years later EINDBAAS and a couple of other acts did a tour around a couple of cities in the Netherlands, and asked us to join them for a little gig in Groningen. Nervous as fuck, with us just playing ‘finished’ songs instead of doing an actual elaborated set, our first gig happened. Little did we know that years later we would fly over oceans to press play on all these big parties (still, unelaborated sets ;-).